Jay “I don’t what to say” Kowalski Obituary
Jay Kowalski died on July 3, 2010 by unknown reasons because; we don’t know what happened to him. When the whole town was overran by crazy zombies, everybody ran downtown to safety, but Jay was asleep and did not find out until he was on his way to work. When we last heard from him, he was held up in an abandon Burger Hut on the corner of Why and Bother. We are not sure if he's become one of the undead or is still running around town, so just in case, we made him a little memorial.
Jay Kowalski was born on January 12, 1976 in Burnt Biscuit, Alabama. He was the middle child of five and always settled for mediocrity. He tried to excel in everything, but failed in it instead.
He is survived by his wife, Julia and child, Billy.
work in progress.
LOL This was actually pretty clever, good job. Jay reminds me so much of myself, i'd be the one still sleeping through a zombie apocalypse lol Good job!