Limitations. A lot things can hold a person back, whether it be physical, mental, or your own stupidity. There are factors you can control and some factors that you can't control.
Back when I was in middle school, I had to change schools because my mother didn't like where I was headed by going to a public school. She had me transferred to a catholic school. This was nothing new to me because I went to one when I was doing 1st through 4th grade, but something about this new school didn't feel right. Going there, I was one of the only black kids there in the upper grades, was the poor kid there, so affording the school was taxing on my whole family, and it really didn't help that I felt real dumb and stupid while I was going there. While at public school, the work was so easy, but I was no where near ready for the type of classes that the catholic school gave me. The more the work came in,the more my mother wanted me to do better, the I was panicking.
I didn't think I would even get out of middle school. My good grades from public school turned into below average grades in catholic school. Looking back at it now, I'm actually glad I went through all the shit I did. If it wasn't for that, I don't know if I ever would have tested myself in school like I have been doing now.
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